Re-Elect John Gillette for State Representative


We affirm - as did the Declaration of Independence - that all are created equal, endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We believe in the Constitution as our founding document.
John Gillette is a dedicated public servant with a strong track record of delivering results for Legislation District 30. As a member of the House of Representatives, he has worked on expanding healthcare options, addressing election integrity and water issues, and securing standby pay for DPS officers. With a 35-year military career as a Command Sergeant Major, experience as a sheriff's deputy on a SWAT team, and a background in real estate and law, Gillette is well-equipped to navigate complex legislative issues. He is committed to upholding traditional values, faith, and making the world a better place for future generations.
Chip in now to keep John as our District 30 State Representative

This is going to be a tough race with a lot on the line. This is why John is fighting so hard.

He needs our help!


On November 5, 2024, Re-Elect John Gillette for State Representative - District 30